
Rosie O’Donnell called out Woody Allen decades before #metoo

Rosie O'Donnell
Rosie O'Donnell Photo: Screenshot

Out comedian, actress, and talk show host Rosie O’Donnell called out Woody Allen decades before #metoo in her HBO comedy special in the early 90s, comparing the filmmaker to O.J. Simpson.

“I had done an HBO special where I said everything about him,” she told Howard Stern about that special in 2022. “And then I got on my [talk] show. So it’s the first year of my show [in 1996] and I get a call and they said, ‘He wants you to be in [1999’s Sweet and Lowdown]. I said, ‘Please send him my HBO special.’ And the woman said, ‘Oh he’s already seen it.’ And I said, ‘Send it anyway with two words: f**k and no.’ And I sent it to him.”

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