News (USA)

Trump offers to kiss “all the guys” to prove he’s immune to COVID

2 March 2020: Senator Lindsey Graham smiles behind President Trump at a North Carolina rally
2 March 2020: Senator Lindsey Graham smiles behind President Trump at a North Carolina rally Photo: Shutterstock

President Donald Trump continued his bizarre campaign performances last night by offering to kiss “all the guys” in the audience to prove he’s immune to COVID. He did not wear a mask as he spoke.

Despite being hospitalized recently with the coronavirus, Trump has continued to forego wearing a mask and continues to hold large events. The White House has become a COVID hotspot.

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“I went through it. Now they say I’m immune,” Trump told the Florida crowd. “I feel so powerful I’ll walk into that audience. I’ll walk in there, I’ll kiss everyone in that audience.”

“I’ll kiss the guys and the beautiful woman and everybody, I’ll just give you a big fat kiss.”

Trump has been making a push to woo back seniors, a demographic that voted for him overwhelmingly in 2016. Polling shows challenger former Vice President Joe Biden now winning the voting bloc of older voters by a large margin.

The campaign recently announced it would be spending “eight figures” to blanket the airwaves with ads targeting seniors.

“You know the risk groups, you know the older people… See, fortunately, I’m not an old person. I’m very young and I’m in such perfect shape. I’m in such great shape.”

The President took the stage at the rally as the Village People’s “Macho Man” blared over the soundsystem.


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