News (USA)

Conservatives freak out over Boy Scouts’ gender-inclusive name change

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), a pudgy light-skinned salt-and-pepper haired man with a silvery beard, wears a suit and tie while pointing his finger upward as he talks in Congress, surrounded by formally dressed colleagues
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) Photo: PBS screenshot

The far-right is really missing the boys in Boy Scouts.

After Boy Scouts of America — officially known as Scouts BSA since 2019 — recently announced another rebrand to the name Scouting America, conservative heads began exploding over the switch. The new name takes effect in February.

“This is a tragedy!” ranted Fox & Friends host Pete Hegseth, laying blame for the name change at the feet of “the left.”

“They didn’t want to improve it. They wanted to destroy it or dilute it into something that stood for nothing.”

“And as a result, the government gets more powerful to fill the void,” said the Fox News host, echoing a common conclusion reached by numerous conspiracy theories.

The group’s first name change was prompted by a decision in 2018 to admit girls into the scouting program, “which was basically the end of Boy Scouts,” according to Hegseth.

One Million Moms, an offshoot of the anti-LGBTQ+ American Family Association, had their own theory about the Boy Scouts’ demise, memorialized in its inclusive new name.

“The downfall of this organization began when gay youth were allowed to participate in 2013, and then BSA opened its doors to gay adult leaders in 2015,” the mom scolds — “fed up with the filth” — bleated in a whining screed.

A petition from leadership included a mention of the Boy Scouts’ “indecency” so mad mother signatories didn’t have to.

“I am appalled that the Boys Scouts of America (soon to be named Scouting America) would continue to push its liberal agenda on school-aged children – some as young as kindergarteners – by changing the 114-year-old organization’s name (again) for the sake of inclusivity,” the unappealing appeal read.

“This promotion of the LGBTQ+ lifestyle is not educational or based on community service. Instead, this name change is indoctrination of sexual perversion.”

Added the angry moms: “It is disgusting.”

Anti-LGBTQ+ nepo baby and one-time Boy Scout Franklin Graham weighed in on the “woke” name change, as well.

“Talk about losing your way — that’s the Boy Scouts of America. Their compass doesn’t point north anymore. They want to be more ‘inclusive,’ so they’re changing their name to Scouting America. That won’t help. Being woke isn’t the need — staying focused and true to what God calls you to do is what’s important.”

Reliably outraged Daily Wire broadcaster Ben Shapiro declared on his show, “This is the final step in the hallowing out of the Boy Scouts. They’ve gotten rid of the original values because they wouldn’t want to feel non-inclusive for girls who think they’re boys and stuff like that.”

“You want to know why red states in America are getting redder?” Shapiro asked. “It’s because of crap like this.”

And Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) hitched his hypocrisies-laden wagon to stochastic terrorist Chaya Raichik and Libs of TikTok with a repost.

“With membership at historic lows, Boy Scouts of America decides to rebrand to make clear that ‘boys’ are no longer welcome,” Cruz said of his understanding that inclusivity excludes teenage males. “I’m sure that will help with recruiting.”

Said online scowl Raichik, as the irony flew far overhead: “Why do they have to ruin everything?”

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