
Marjorie Taylor Greene gets skewered in hilarious Randy Rainbow musical parody

A scene from Randy Rainbow's musical parody of Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA)
A scene from Randy Rainbow's musical parody of Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) Photo: YouTube screenshot

Gay musical satirist Randy Rainbow released a new video mocking anti-LGBTQ+ far-right Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA). This time, he plays a highly self-critical Greene singing a spoof of the song “Look at me, I’m Sandra Dee” from the 1971 musical Grease.

“It’s rare for a member of the House of Representatives to become nationally well-known,” Rainbow says at the outset of his video, posing as a presenter on the news program 60 Minutes. “Unless, of course, that member is a f–king lunatic like my next guest, Marjorie Taylor Greene, or MTG, as she more commonly refers to herself when she can’t remember her full name.”

His lyrics then skewer Greene for her anti-queer positions, her love of conspiracy theories, her public outbursts in congressional hearings and President Joe Biden’s State of the Union addresses, and her general stupidity.

“Look at me, I’m MTG / Crapping on democracy … [I] advocate crooks / hate all drag queens with books / but love the KKK / Got no Bud Light cans / ’cause I’m anti-trans / … Brains ain’t my curse / I’m like Trump with a purse, but worse!”

Later on in the song, Rainbow sings, “[I] started out fringe / but rose up to unhinge / the whole damn GOP. / Bring it on, I’m MAGA spawn / take my cues from QAnon / High on hair bleach / I’ll just heckle and screech, “Impeach!” / ’til Biden’s gone … / [I] ain’t got no class / I’m moronic and crass…. / Just a hot mess / Alex Jones in a dress.”

The song also shows clips from Greene’s April 2023 60 Minutes interview in which she claims that her personal attacks on political opponents only mirror similar attacks on her from Democratic critics.

“The other side… all they’ve done is insult me non-stop since I’ve been here,” Greene said in a clip of the interview played in Rainbow’s video. “They call me racist. They call me, umm… ” she continues, pausing to think.

Rainbow interjects, “Antisemitic? Transphobic? Q Clown insurrectionist?”

His comments refer to Greene’s antisemitic rants against left-leaning Jewish billionaire George Soros and her previous belief that a space laser caused the 2018 California wildfires to benefit Rothschild Incorporated, an international investment banking firm that bears the name of a wealthy Jewish family.

A 2022 report from the Human Rights Campaign identified Greene as one of the largest sources of transphobic misinformation on Twitter (now X).

When Greene first entered Congress in 2021, the then-Democratic majority in the House voted to remove her from all of her committee assignments for her past social media comments endorsing conspiracy theories. Her previous social media posts said that an airplane never hit the Pentagon during the September 11, 2001 attacks; that all school shootings are fake; that California wildfires were started by a Jewish-owned space laser; and that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton once sliced off a child’s face and wore it.

While Greene began as a far-right media spectacle, she has since become one of the most prominent, outspoken, and influential members of the Republican party.

In his past videos, Rainbow has skewered now-former Rep. George Santos (R-NY), Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO), and then-President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence. Rainbow appeared on a 2018 episode of RuPaul’s Drag Race, and his YouTube channel was nominated for Emmys in 2019 and 2020 for Outstanding Short Form Variety Series.

In August 2020, Rainbow apologized for his own past racist and transphobic social media posts.

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