Bias Watch

Vacationing conservative freaks out after seeing drag queens in hotel lobby: “Call the police!”

Vacationing conservative freaks out after seeing drag queens in hotel lobby: “Call the police!”

A woman on vacation in Hawaii lost it when she discovered three drag queens sitting in the lobby of her hotel.

Beth Bourne, a local chair for the anti-LGBTQ+ Moms for Liberty chapter in Davis, California and an employee at the university there, came across the three drag artists at the Alohilani Resort Waikiki where she was staying.

The three performers were shooting a promotional video for an upcoming pageant when Bourne spotted them seated in the lobby on Sunday morning.

After an earlier encounter, Bourne returned with phone in hand to record the premeditated confrontation. A video shot by one of victims, Honolulu drag queen Marina Del Rey, has gone viral.

“Call the police!” the woman shouts at the hotel manager, who, along with other hotel employees, patiently tries to guide Bourne away from the drag artists. Wielding her phone like a weapon, Bourne is apoplectic as she describes the “misogyny” she’s witnessing and how the artists’ appearance is “degrading.”

“I paid to be a customer at a hotel where I thought that you believed that women were real!” Bourne rants as hotel guests gawk. “Because you put on makeup, because you put on high heels, because you have a Barbie outfit on, you don’t think this is degrading? This is misogyny!”

Bourne, dressed in a black pajama top and matching shorts, continues her screed, pacing back and forth around staff and the queens she’s accosting.

“If you give me back my money right now I will leave the hotel. But I will not have my children come down from the 30th floor and see what’s happening here! This is completely degrading. I wanna know what your names are because I’m going to share them,” Bourne threatens the artists.

“Are you dressed up?” she asks one performer. “Are you a man? Are you a man pretending to be a woman?”

“I’m not pretending to be anything,” the queen replies.

“What do you think about my son, who might think he can put on makeup and put on fancy clothing and high heels and have his penis cut off and take estrogen and grow fake boobs like those. This is so degrading!”

Bourne marches around in circles as she continues shouting.

“I wanna hear from the police, dammit! I wanna know why I paid three thousand dollars [unitelligible] dressed up like women! This is degrading!”

“Oh, you’re smiling!” she yells at Del Rey, recording the woman’s meltdown.

“I am,” she says flatly.

“Tell me your name, sir,” Bourne demands. “Tell me why you think it’s OK to put on a clown costume and to do this to young children.”

“I wanna talk to the police because I don’t think this is right what’s happening right here! I would like to talk to the police!”

The last words on the viral recording come from one of the three drag queens, spoken quietly amongst themselves. “She just wants a free room.”

The backstory to Bourne’s attack is a sad one.

It turns out one of Bourne’s own kids recently came out as trans and nonbinary, pushing Bourne over the edge into her anti-trans activism — and tearing her family apart in the process.

At a recent school board meeting in her area, Bourne tried to draw comparisons of gender dysphoria with being “transracial” or disabled.

“Why can’t we be transracial? Why can’t I ask a dermatologist to darken my skin so I can identify as a Black person? Why can’t I ask my doctor to chop off my leg so I can identify as disabled?”

In February, Bourne went undercover as nonbinary to “expose” best practices at a gender-affirming clinic associated with UC Davis, where she works.

When Bourne got her wish and police arrived at the hotel following the lobby confrontation, she recorded the interaction and proudly posted what she thought was a teaching moment, where she got to explain the process of vaginoplasty to the several cops escorting her to her room, eyes downcast.

“We understand you have your point of view,” a female officer says to her, “but you can’t be yelling—.”

“I wasn’t yelling,” Bourne assured them.

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