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Video provides chilling look at Project 2025’s Christian Nationalist effect on public schools

An image from GLAAD's ad on Project 2025 shows a Black teacher looking nervously as she recites an altered version of the Pledge of Allegiance in front of a whiteboard and a US flag
An image from GLAAD's ad on Project 2025 Photo: YouTube screenshot

The LGBTQ+ media watchdog organization is educating people about the Christian nationalist aims of Project 2025 by showing a chilling video of school children reciting an altered Pledge of Allegiance that vows loyalty to the Bible and president.

In the ad, an older white man — who has wispy hair, a blue suit, and red tie, reminiscent of former President Donald Trump — oversees a classroom while a nervous teacher recites the pledge from a red handbook. The pledge goes, “I pledge allegiance to the flag and to the president of the United States of America and to the Biblical values to which our country stands and to the natural order of man and woman, under God, loyal to the president at all times, with liberty and justice for all.”

The ad ends by asking viewers to learn more about Project 2025 at GLAAD’s website. The website notes that the project is a $22 million effort “spearheaded and organized by the far-right the Heritage Foundation” alongside “100 coalition partner organizations, many of which are well-known for pushing anti-LGBTQ policy, legal efforts, and harmful rhetoric, accompanied by Christian nationalism.”

“The project is a 180-day playbook of regulations and executive orders that could be signed and implemented by the next president upon taking office, a database of potential appointees, and an online ‘education academy’ to train appointees in its conservative tenets,” GLAAD notes.

Project 2025 falsely claims that, “Only heterosexual, two-parent families are safe for children, and that, ‘All other family forms involve higher levels of instability (the average length of same-sex marriages is half that of heterosexual marriages); financial stress or poverty; and poor behavioral, psychological, or educational outcomes.”

Numerous studies contradict the project’s claims.

The plan also envisions eliminating LGBTQ+ civil rights and trans healthcare access; ending all federal funding for diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts (which the project refers to as “affirmative discrimination” and “racist policymaking”); purging the government of apolitical civil servants; expanding control of the presidency by eliminating judicial and legislative checks and balances; ending productive freedom; ending most legalized immigration; changing any U.S. diplomatic programs and security alliances; favoring policies that favor Christianity above other groups’ rights; allowing legislators access to private medical records; and overturning social assistance and welfare programs for poorer, older, and disabled Americans.

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