Election News

Donald Trump vs. Kamala Harris on LGBTQ+ rights: A side-by-side comparison

Split-screen of Kamala Harris on the left and Donald Trump on the right. Kamala Harris is wearing a tan blazer with a black top and a gold chain necklace, speaking confidently. Donald Trump is wearing a dark suit with a red tie, speaking into a microphone with a creepy smile on his face.

As the 2024 election heats up, LGBTQ+ rights are front and center, and the differences between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris couldn’t be more striking.

On one side, Trump’s tenure has seen a rollback of anti-discrimination protections and a ban on transgender individuals serving in the military. Meanwhile, Kamala Harris stands tall as a fierce advocate for equality, backing same-sex marriage, gender-affirming medical care, and robust anti-discrimination measures.

This article serves up a detailed comparison of their stances, giving you the lowdown on where each candidate stands on crucial LGBTQ+ issues. Understanding these differences is vital for anyone who cares about LGBTQ+ rights in the 2024 election.

Comparison of key LGBTQ+ issues

IssueDonald TrumpKamala Harris
Same-Sex Marriage
Transgender Military Service
Gender-Affirming Medical Care
LGBTQ+ Employment Protections
Transgender Bathroom Access
Banning Conversion Therapy
Opposes Don’t Say Gay Laws
LGBTQ+ Youth Protections
Anti-Discrimination Policies

Donald Trump’s Stances

Trump and other Republicans have said he’s the “most pro-gay president in American history” but Donald Trump’s administration was marked by numerous rollbacks on LGBTQ+ protections. He also spoke to numerous anti-LGBTQ+ groups and hired their leaders as advisors during his presidency.

Other key actions included:

And that’s not even considering all of the anti-LGBTQ+ tenants of Project 2025 and Trump’s Agenda 47.

Kamala Harris’ Stances

Kamala Harris has long advocated for LGBTQ+ rights, with her actions reflecting a commitment to equality and inclusivity.

Key highlights include:

  • Same-Sex Marriage: Officiated gay weddings in 2004, began supporting them more vocally in 2008 and worked with President Biden to pass the 2022 Respect for Marriage Act, ensuring government recognition of same-sex marriages.
  • Transgender Military Service: The Biden-Harris Administration overturned Trump’s ban on out trans military members. Harris opposes Project 2025, which calls for a ban on trans military members.
  • Gender-Affirming Medical Care: As California’s attorney general in 2015, she blocked gender affirming-care for a trans woman in prison. However, the Biden-Harris Administration has pushed federal healthcare programs to cover gender-affirming care, and her 2024 election campaign frames such care as a personal decision between families and doctors.
  • LGBTQ+ Employment Protections: The Biden-Harris Administration has forbidden anti-LGBTQ+ workplace harassment as a form of sex-based discrimination prohibited under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  • Transgender Bathroom Access: As California’s Attorney General in 2016, she filed amicus briefs supporting trans people’s rights to use bathrooms matching their gender identity. She has since said that anti-trans bathrooms bans deny trans people’s “right to exist.”
  • Conversion Therapy: Called conversion therapy “an abusive practice” that has “been repeatedly condemned by the medical community.” She supports a national ban on the practice.
  • Don’t Say Gay Laws: Opposes anti-LGBTQ+ book bans and has said that Florida’s law restricting LGBTQ+ instruction in classrooms is “trying to instill fear in our teachers that they should not live their full life and love who they love.”
  • LGBTQ+ Youth Protections: Spoke out against bullying and discrimination faced by LGBTQ+ school children. The Biden-Harris Administration has also called anti-LGBTQ+ educational discrimination a form of sex-based discrimination prohibited under Title IX of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  • Anti-Discrimination Policies: Committed to passing the Equality Act, which would add sexual orientation and gender identity to pre-existing federal civil rights laws.

The choice for LGBTQ+ rights is clear

In the grand scheme of the 2024 election, LGBTQ+ rights remain a pivotal issue, and the contrast between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris couldn’t be clearer. Trump’s policies have rolled back anti-discrimination protections and other LGBTQ+ civiil rights. In stark contrast, Harris has persistently championed LGBTQ+ equality, advocating for same-sex marriage, gender-affirming medical care, and comprehensive anti-discrimination measures.

As voters, it’s crucial to understand where each candidate stands on these vital issues. The decisions made by our leaders directly impact the lives of millions within the LGBTQ+ community. By staying informed and engaged, you can make a difference in the fight for equality.

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