News (USA)

Rightwingers lose their minds over “sick” Disney’s “Agatha All Along”: It’s a gay recruiting video!

Agatha All Along
Agatha All Along Photo: Marvel Studios

The Right Squad, a collection of far-right homophobes on the Republican propaganda organ Newsmax, all agree that the new gay-friendly Disney+ series Agatha All Along from Disney’s Marvel Studios is a threat to children.

“It’s a recruiting video,” claimed host Chris Plante.

The stars of the hit Disney+ series are “flaunting and flailing with joy that the show is the gayest Marvel series ever,” Plante offered, thrilled “that the Marvel Universe isn’t just for straight men anymore.”

It’s evidence the show’s creators, and by extension Disney, are “targeting the kids.”

“We’ve seen it in the schools and the books and the libraries and the genderqueer and the graphic novels,” Plante said of an alleged LGBTQ+ cabal preying on kids, “and it’s always the children.”

Panelist Jason Nichols said he didn’t need to see gay people on screen to know they exist. In fact, he said he hadn’t even seen the show but opined that “it’s inappropriate for children” and that Disney “should make sure that people know that it’s inappropriate for children.”

“You don’t have to act like they don’t exist in film,” Nichols said of gay people, referring to actor Joe Locke’s statements of support for Agatha All Along’s inclusiveness. “I don’t know exactly what they mean.”

The most revealing take came from Mercedes Schlapp, wife of alleged groper Matt Schlapp, whose once-powerful anti-LGBTQ+ advocacy group, the American Conservative Union, imploded last year after young male staffers assigned to Herschel Walker’s doomed Senate campaign came forward accusing the group’s chairman of fondling them.

Schlapp “grabbed my junk and pummeled it at length, and I’m sitting there thinking what the hell is going on, that this person is literally doing this to me,” one staffer said in a video recorded after the incident.

Another employee accused Schlapp of trying to kiss him without consent, and a third man has reported an unwanted physical advance.

Without a trace of irony, Mercedes Schlapp denounced Disney for “this obsession with sexuality and sex, just children in general, and then putting that in front of the children.”

“I mean, it’s just sick,” she ranted. “Go back to storytelling, go back to the innocence of children. That’s really where they should focus on.”

“Obviously, they’re more focused about men,” Shlapp added, sputtering, “and, you know, gay men and straight men.”  

Agatha All Along’s Joe Locke, best known as smitten Charlie Spring in the hit gay teen melodrama Heartstopper, plays a gay character in the Marvel show called Teen.

It was “really important” for Teen to be out and authentic as a queer character, Locke told SFX Magazine, but just as important that it doesn’t define him.

“The MCU – and any Marvel project – has this weird ability to unite the whole world. No matter where you’re from, who you are, everyone knows about the new Marvel series, the new Marvel film, which is a really great way to progress social issues in the world,” he said.

The cast and creators of the WandaVision spin-off, premiering tonight on Disney+, have embraced fans’ pre-release characterization of the show as the “gayest” Marvel has ever made.

“I would agree with that,” Jennifer Kale, who plays witch Sasheer Zamata told Variety. “You’ll see when you watch. Witches are queer, inherently, just because we are outcasts and set aside for many reasons. This show shows a really good representation of different types of people and that we can all use the power we have within to go forward and be great.”

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