Election News

The Supreme Court was the top issue you wanted Kamala Harris to talk about more in this week’s poll

The image depicts a donut chart with the title: “Which LGBTQ+ issue do you wish the Harris-Walz campaign would speak more about in upcoming appearances?” Below is the data breakdown shown in the chart: • 58.31% – The possibility of the Supreme Court rolling back LGBTQ+ rights (represented in blue) • 15.88% – Bans on gender-affirming care at the state level (represented in pink) • 13.14% – Retirement housing and care for LGBTQ+ elders (represented in red) • 12.67% – Free speech issues like book bans and “Don’t Say Gay” laws (represented in purple) The data is from 5,278 respondents, collected between September 9–13, 2024. The chart is branded with the LGBTQ Nation logo at the bottom right.

This week, we at LGBTQ Nation asked you, the readers, what issue you want the Harris-Walz campaign to talk about more: housing and care for LGBTQ+ elders, the possibility of the Supreme Court turning back LGBTQ+ rights, bans on gender-affirming care for transgender people, and free speech issues, including book bans and “Don’t Say Gay” laws.

Your answer was resounding. Over half of the votes in our poll were for the Supreme Court option, with the rest nearly evenly divided between the other three.

The Supreme Court has been the source of several major advances in LGBTQ+ rights over the last two decades, including extending the Equal Protection Clause to include gay and bi people (Romer v. Evans in 1996), ending sodomy laws (Lawrence v. Texas in 2003), federal recognition of marriage (United States v. Windsor in 2013), marriage equality in all 50 states (Obergefell v. Hodges in 2015), and employment discrimination protections for LGBTQ+ people (Bostock v. Clayton Co. in 2020).

And that’s just major decisions affecting LGBTQ+ rights – LGBTQ+ people’s lives are affected in numerous other ways by what the nine Supreme Court justices decide. This is to say, the importance of the institution should not be underestimated in a presidential election, where the next president could appoint several members of the Court who will serve for decades.

LGBTQ Nation will have another poll next week at our Equality For All 2024 election news center. In the meantime, make sure you’re registered to vote.

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