
Donald Trump’s gay niece says we’re not ready for the vengeance he’ll unleash if he wins

Mary Trump
Mary Trump Photo: Simon & Schuster promotional image

In a recent blog post, Donald Trump’s lesbian niece, Mary Trump, emphasized that Trump is more than capable of carrying out the many threats he has issued throughout his presidential campaign if he wins a second term.

“The seriousness of his intentions is undermined by just how insane and unbelievable they seem to many people,” Mary Trump wrote. “But if there’s one person on this planet who doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt, it’s Donald— if given the power, he will have his vengeance.”

Mary Trump was referring to an October 3 article in The New York Times detailing how her uncle could use the Justice Department to punish his enemies if he wins a second term.

The former president has made several threats against his political adversaries, including proposing that President Joe Biden be prosecuted for corruption and that his Democratic opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, be prosecuted for the Biden administration’s policies surrounding the border.

“I think it’s worth pausing for a minute to acknowledge how extraordinary, how outside the realm of politics-as-usual and the morally acceptable that is,” Mary Trump wrote, “how unconscionable it is that we have descended so far that we even have to have this conversation.”

She emphasized that corporate media has normalized her uncle’s behavior “to a troubling degree” and that we all must remember it is “light years away from normal.”

She urged the American people to take these threats seriously.

“This isn’t some theoretical worst-case scenario we’re gaming out. Donald Trump’s second term, if we are self-destructive enough to grant him one, will be focused on revenge — against his perceived political enemies, foreign and domestic; against groups, like immigrants, that it serves his purposes to scapegoat; against judges and juries that dared hold him accountable; against anybody who has not proven to be sufficiently loyal; and, of course, against anybody who has opposed him from the beginning.”

Mary Trump added that there is a “very real” possibility of people Donald Trump considers his enemies being deported, prosecuted, or imprisoned. She blasted the Times for generally downplaying the threat her uncle poses, but she said, in this case, the publication very clearly explained the way he will abuse his power if elected.

She explained that he will start by firing anyone non-partisan in federal government roles and hire and appoint folks who will “pledge their loyalty to him, not the Constitution or the United States.”

“We saw how bad things got during the Trump administration when there were guardrails in place — this time, there will be no guardrails at all,” she wrote.

“And now the corrupt illegitimate super-majority of the Supreme Court has ruled that a president cannot be prosecuted for anything that is considered an official duty. As part of that ruling, the Court also said that all communications between a president and the Justice Department are privileged. There would literally be nothing to constrain him,” she wrote.

Mary Trump also warned that her uncle’s “sycophants and enablers” will overwhelm the judiciary, and Trump-appointed judges and the “corrupt illegitimate” Supreme Court justices he appointed have already shown they are more than willing to do his bidding.

She concluded by reminding readers that her uncle is a fascist and that he and the GOP are hurling the country further toward fascism.

“If he gets back into power, he will care nothing about governing. All of his energy will be dedicated to grifting and revenge. And most of us aren’t prepared,” she wrote.

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