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  • Hawaii football coach suspended, fined over gay slur
  • Video: Gay couple’s confrontation with LDS guards
  • Kid Rock: Twitter is “gay”
  • IGLCC reports BT Group, IBM, Dow Chemical among most gay-friendly corporations
  • NY Senator takes action against ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’
  • GLAAD Rates HBO Most Gay-Friendly
  • Kathy Griffin joins NOH8 Campaign
  • Humpday – Strange Bedfellows (Video)
  • Author E. Lynn Harris dead at 54
  • Iowa wedding announcement stirs controversy for Indiana newspaper
  • ‘A Hug and Kiss’ lands gay couple in handcuffs at Mormon plaza
  • KC Newspapers Reject Same-Sex Wedding Announcement
  • NO H8 Campaign releases public service announcement
  • Princeton Prof launches anti-Gay Marriage ‘American Priciples Project’